Whenever you chain a promise with a then/finally, you're basically letting
the runtime look at the callbacks at some arbitrary point in the future,
no? So despite being written in a defined order, they will be run in
whatever order eventuates.

On Fri, 23 Feb 2018 at 14:24 Raul-Sebastian Mihăilă <raul.miha...@gmail.com>

> The order is deterministic, as specified, I just don't think it's the
> right order. I don't have a concrete example with finally, but if I were to
> imagine one, say you're writing some tests with jest and you want to make
> some checks in the then callbacks. In order for those checks to be executed
> in good time, you must return a promise from the test callback. If you have
> more promises you have to do a Promise.all in order to make sure that you
> wait for all the promises. If you are able to determine the order in which
> the promises are settled, you can return the one that is settled the last.
> This is perhaps not a convincing example, but if this didn't matter why is
> the order specified?
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 3:59 PM, Viktor Kronvall <
> viktor.kronv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Since these two Promises aren't chained to one another I wouldn't expect
>> any specific
>> deterministic ordering between the `console.log` statements. Are you
>> suggesting that
>> such a deterministic ordering should be imposed by using micro tasks or
>> what are you
>> proposing here exactly?
>> In other words, why exactly do you expect the result to always be
>> printing 1 before
>> printing 2?
>> 2018年2月23日(金) 19:21 Raul-Sebastian Mihăilă <raul.miha...@gmail.com>:
>>> I find it weird that
>>> ```js
>>> Promise.resolve().finally(() => {}).then(() => { console.log(1); });
>>> Promise.resolve().then(() => {}).then(() => { console.log(2); });
>>> ```
>>> prints 2 and then 1. It would have been possible to spec it in such a
>>> way that it would have printed 1 and 2.
>>> On the other hand
>>> ```js
>>> Promise.resolve().finally().then(() => { console.log(1); });
>>> Promise.resolve().then().then(() => { console.log(2); });
>>> ```
>>> prints 1 and then 2.
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