Yes, I do need that. If you look at the implementation, it makes no
attempt to set it prior, and I designed it to work generically [just
like how `Array.prototype.push` does now][1] (see step 7). I'm aware
that if you assume it's an array, the length will update itself, but
it won't on array-likes.


Isiah Meadows

On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 2:46 AM, T.J. Crowder
<> wrote:
> On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 7:02 PM, Isiah Meadows <> wrote:
>>> With large arrays you can also run into a platform's stack size limit
>>> with a large number of arguments. [snip]
>>> * Chrome v66: Between 120k and 130k entries
>>> * Firefox v60: 500k - 510k
>>> * Edge v41: 650k - 660k
>>> * IE11: 250k - 260k
>>> * IE8ยน: 5.25M (!) - 5.26M
>> Wait, what? Of all things old IE screws up, this isn't one of them?
> I know, right?
>> Was the proposal `for (const i of y) x.push(y)`, like a mutable
>> `concat`? I interpreted it as basically `x.push(y); return x` from the
>> start, hence why I didn't see the point.
> Sorry, that's my bad. The original from Jordi Bunster was indeed just
> `x.push(y); return x`:
>> Has anyone ever suggested Array.prototype.append as an
>> Array.prototype.push which returns the array itself? It would be
>> reduce-friendly, same as Set.prototype.add and Map.prototype.set.
>> Someone has to have, right? ๐Ÿ˜Š
> Somehow in my head it became a mutating verson of `concat`, possibly
> because I've often wanted a mutating version of `concat`, but I don't
> recall really wanting a version of `push` that returns the array.
> `pushAll` looks good to me. (Re the desugared code: You don't need
> that `this.length = index` at the end, though. :-) )
> -- T.J. Crowder
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