Sure, good points

1) *Is it sugar?* Yes
2) *How much sugar?* Very few, example: `(a, b, s=1)=>Array.from({length:
(b-a)/s+1}, (_,i)=>a+i*s)`
3) *Frequency of benefit?* Frequent (building arrays, functional loops)
4) *Expected improvement*? There are possible benefits to have a range/seq
native function, but the main benefit is avoiding extra packages for
something frequent
5) *Userland implementable?* it can definitely, in one line. The drawback
is having to rely on an external package, to import it. leftpad now
implemeted as String.prototype.padStart is an example case
6) *Implementable?* Does it present potentially difficult or intractable
implementation challenges? No
7) *Consistent?* Is it consistent with existing syntactic and semantic
practices in the languages? Yes
8) *Holistic?* Does it fill in some obvious logical gap in the current
language design? Yes, `Array.from({length: n}, (_, i) =>
doSomethingWwith(i))` or other similar non-obvious code for creating
ranges. This new seq or range function would fill the gap between `Array`
constructor which is not usable (because it creates sparse arrays) and
`Array.from` or `Array.prototype.fill` which aren't practical enough for
creating ranges
9) *Understandable?* Does it place an unsustainable new "cognitive burden"
on learners and users of the language? No, rather the opposite
10) *Library?* Is is something that would be better provided as part of
some kind of future standard library? I don't think so, because it's short,
it may be a static `Array` function, or a global
11) *Intrusive?* Does it take over real estate that might be useful for
future features no one has thought of yet, the obvious example being using
special characters? No, it's a simple drop-in
12) *Readability?* Is it something that results in a distinct improvement
in readability or visible semantic correctness of code? Yes, as described,
`Array.from({length: n}, (_, i) => .. )` is not readable and practical
13) *Prior art?* Has this or a similar feature already been proposed, and
if so what was the reaction, and how is your proposal different from that,
or from a similar features existing in other languages?
- was proposed at the time ES6 was discussed I think, it's a different approach for
creating ranges, but already an improvement over `Array.from({length: n},
(_, i) => .. )`
- Array comprehensions were proposed at the time of ES6 as well, and
rejected, reasonably in my opinion
- languages like python has a `range` builtin, I can also think of the
`seq` linux command, I wouldn't be opposed to a new syntax addition like
`[1:10]` as well

There were maybe proposals for it in the past, but I didn't find any so
far, I could try to create one. Some of you seems to want generators for
this, I'd prefer not

Le dim. 1 juil. 2018 à 08:03, Bob Myers <> a écrit :

> It seems odd that after all these years of discussions and
> meta-discussions about ES feature proposals, some people are still saying
> things like:
> * there really needs to be
> * I'd really like
> * I'd love to have
> often without addressing a single one of the relevant questions:
> 1) *Is it sugar?* Is it "mere" syntactic sugar (which is not
> disqualifying in and of itself), or something that requires (or benefits
> from) being baked into the language?
> 2) *How much sugar?* If it is wholly or partially syntactic sugar, what
> the degree of syntactic optimization?
> 3) *Frequency of benefit?* What is the frequency of the use case?
> 4) *Expected improvement*? If it is something that would benefit from
> being baked into the language, what is the degree of the benefit (eg, in
> terms of performance)?
> 5) *Userland implementable?* Can it be implemented in userland code? If
> so, what's the downside of that?
> 6) *Implementable?* Does it present potentially difficult or intractable
> implementation challenges?
> 7) *Consistent?* Is it consistent with existing syntactic and semantic
> practices in the languages?
> 8) *Holistic?* Does it fill in some obvious logical gap in the current
> language design?
> 9) *Understandable?* Does it place an unsustainable new "cognitive
> burden" on learners and users of the language?
> 10) *Library?* Is is something that would be better provided as part of
> some kind of future standard library?
> 11) *Intrusive?* Does it take over real estate that might be useful for
> future features no one has thought of yet, the obvious example being using
> special characters?
> 12) *Readability?* Is it something that results in a distinct improvement
> in readability or visible semantic correctness of code?
> 13) *Prior art?* Has this or a similar feature already been proposed, and
> if so what was the reaction, and how is your proposal different from that,
> or from a similar features existing in other languages?
> I'm sure there are cases where simply throwing out an informal idea and
> seeing how people react is useful to get a discussions started, but most
> reactions will be that the proposal does not meet one or more of the above
> criteria, so proposers could save themselves and other people lots of time
> in advance by explaining HOW their proposal satisfies these points, not all
> of which are relevant to every proposal, but those which are.
> Bob
> On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 12:53 AM Cyril Auburtin <>
> wrote:
>> In any case, there really needs to be a JS core function to generate
>> sequences/ranges
>> I used a lot `Array.from({length: ...`  but it's far from ideal
>> related example:
>> I'd like at least something like `seq(numRolls).map(() =>
>> this.rollOnce())`
>> a `seq` global function wouldn't be less useful than a `for` keyword
>> Le mer. 27 juin 2018 à 01:07, N. Oxer <> a écrit :
>>> I think something like [itt]( is a good
>>> prototype/example for a possible iterutils module.
>>> On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 10:37 PM Isiah Meadows <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I'd love to see ranges, but only implemented as iterables. But in
>>>> reality, we really should start pushing for a proposed `iterutils` module
>>>> (or similar) that has all this widely useful stuff that doesn't really have
>>>> a place in the global scope, but are still generally useful. Granted, this
>>>> is currently blocked on the pipeline operator proposal IIUC (not on TC39,
>>>> but I've heard/read things hinting at it), but that's the main thing that
>>>> really needs to happen.
>>>> -----
>>>> Isiah Meadows
>>>> On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 11:34 AM, Cyril Auburtin <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> What I'd really like is something to avoid `Array.from({length: n},
>>>>> (_, i) => ..)`
>>>>> It's very common to use it nowadays
>>>>> on the + side, it's a wider feature than range, the callback is more
>>>>> powerful to build any kind of ranges
>>>>> but it feels quite hacky and verbose. you can make a typo on 'length',
>>>>> and have to use the second callback argument.
>>>>> I'd like a lot a `Array.whateverNameAsShortAsPossible(4, i => 2*i+1)
>>>>> // [1, 3, 5, 7]` I think `` was proposed a long time ago (
>>>>> Le mer. 14 déc. 2016 à 21:28, Alexander Jones <> a
>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>> IMO this is quite unnecessary syntax sugar. Python has everything you
>>>>>> could need here without special syntax.
>>>>>> On Wed, 14 Dec 2016 at 16:55, Jeremy Martin <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> While slightly more verbose, the previously suggested `...` syntax
>>>>>>> does have a superficial consistency with the spread operator. Both 
>>>>>>> perform
>>>>>>> an expansion of sorts, which has a subtle elegance to it, IMO.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 4:02 AM, Hikaru Nakashima <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I understand.
>>>>>>> I hope to find a good form of literals.
>>>>>>> Is there a fact that literals are easier to optimize in the
>>>>>>> following cases?
>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>> for (let i of [1 to 5]) { ...... }
>>>>>>> vs
>>>>>>> for (let i of Array.range(1, 5)) { ...... }
>>>>>>> ```
>>>>>>> If so, it seems that we can attract vendors' interests.
>>>>>>> 2016-12-14 17:29 GMT+09:00 Andy Earnshaw <>:
>>>>>>> I think you'd be lucky to even get to that stage.  Vendors aren't
>>>>>>> keen on any kind of backwards incompatibility in new specs and trying to
>>>>>>> get this to stage 4 with such a glaring one would be practically
>>>>>>> impossible.
>>>>>>> It's not just the incompatibility either.  You also introduce an
>>>>>>> inconsistencies where things like `[1..toFixed(2)]` doesn't mean the 
>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>> as `[ 1..toFixed(2) ]`. That kind of thing is just confusing to 
>>>>>>> developers.
>>>>>>> When you consider these things, it becomes clear that it's not
>>>>>>> practical to change the language this way for such a small benefit.
>>>>>>> On Wed, 14 Dec 2016, 03:00 Hikaru Nakashima, <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Oh, I understood it.
>>>>>>> It looks like serious problem, but it is may not actually.
>>>>>>> If this spec change doesn't break web, we can introduce this idea?
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