> RE@jhpratt

Well that’s the proposal. In case there’s a confusion with “lifetime”. What I 
meant was that as far as garbage collector is concerned, persistent variables 
live as long as the function is referenced somewhere (unlike anonymous 

Also revisiting your idea of using static properties instead, how’d you imagine 
static props on methods of classes considering the fact that stuff should 
“live” where it “belongs” and not “leak” out unnecessarily, imagine this:

class DBService {
    foo(uri) {
        persist const httpRE = /^https?/;
        persist let counter = 0;

        return 0;

In the example above it is given that no other method in `DBService` class 
uses, or has anything to with `counter` “inside” of `DBService#foo`. So 
“leaking” it out is unnecessary
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