On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 6:06 AM, Jacob Pratt <jhpratt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Would this not work?
> ```javascript
> function foo(n) {
>     this.counter++;
>     return n * a;
> }
> foo.counter = 0;
> foo.httpRE = /^https?/;
> ```

Did you mean `foo.counter++;`? Because to make `this` inside a call to
`foo` be `foo` itself, you'd have to call `foo` like this: `foo.call(foo,
42)`. `counter` and `httpRE` are also fully exposed. Not desirable IMHO.

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 6:51 AM, Neek Sandhu <neek.san...@outlook.com>
> is 1:1 as
> ```javascript
> let foo = (() => {
>     let counter = 0;
>     const httpRE = /^https?/;
>     return (n) => {
>         counter++;
>         return  n * a;
>     }
> })()

That isn't 1:1 with what I understand you're propoing. `counter` and
`httpRE` are initialized when `foo` is created, not when it's first called.
(IIRC, this is true of C's `static` variables, too, but it's been ~25

Another existing pattern to compare with (which also initializes them
up-front, not on first call):

let foo;
    let counter =  0;
    const httpRE = /^https?/;

    foo = (n) => {
        return n * a;

You can defer init by rewriting `foo`, but I **really** don't like that
idea, not least because anything grabbing `foo` before calling it keeps the
wrong one):

function foo(n) {
    let counter =  0;
    const httpRE = /^https?/;

    foo = (n) => {
        return n * a;

    return foo(n);

Again, I really don't like that, but it does defer init.

Given how easy this is with block scope or, as Ben Wiley points out, module
scope, I think there would need to be a stronger use case.

-- T.J. Crowder
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