> Proxy was used to create a membrane between the public and private
storage, and I can't prevent that proxy from being passed to external

this already underlines what I mean: classes are not just syntactic sugar
because you cannot replicate what they do, not even using ES6.

having privates / proxies maybe exposed is not how I'd personally code.

On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 5:15 PM Ranando King <king...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Private fields also won't work as expected...
> Can you clarify what you're referring to? I've created a library that
> essentially implements the functional parts of what I intend with this
> proposal. Of course the syntax isn't the same, and Proxy was used to create
> a membrane between the public and private storage, and I can't prevent that
> proxy from being passed to external functions, but those are ES-specific
> implementation details and not how it would be implemented in the engine.
> >  ... the mandatory super call in constructor is also different from ES5.
> You shouldn't really try to compare ES5 and ES6. My statement that
> "`class` is syntactic sugar" refers to the fact that anything you can do
> with `class` in ES6 can also be done without `class` in ES6.
> > P.S. Babel mistakenly sold classes as "just sugar" and never worked
> properly with Custom Elements and builtins extend until version 7 which is
> still not perfect but at least it doesn't throw errors for no reason.
> Just because `class` is essentially syntactic sugar doesn't mean that the
> desugaring is backwards compatible with older versions of the language. I
> do not wish to imply that. Nor do I see the need to make such a statement
> true. Such an attempt to enforce backwards compatibility to that degree
> would prove excessively burdensome on the process of improving and adding
> features to the language.
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 9:41 AM Andrea Giammarchi <
> andrea.giammar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Private fields also won't work as expected and the mandatory super call
>> in constructor is also different from ES5. Let's add species and special
>> class related Symbol so that it makes no sense to define classes "just
>> sugar" + there's no point in avoiding classes at all costs when any of
>> these features is needed.
>> Regards
>> P.S. Babel mistakenly sold classes as "just sugar" and never worked
>> properly with Custom Elements and builtins extend until version 7 which is
>> still not perfect but at least it doesn't throw errors for no reason
>> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 4:15 PM Ranando King <king...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> @ljharb: It seems you now understand what I was trying to say. Sadly,
>>> I'm not always the most eloquent.
>>> >  As you've all pointed out, it's not "just sugar" in the sense that
>>> you couldn't do it in ES5; it's more that parallel syntax and API were
>>> created for the new functionality in ES6.
>>> The intent of my proposal is to provide both member fields and privilege
>>> levels to the `class` keyword, and the equivalent for object literals in a
>>> way that meets with both an intuitive declaration style, and a reasonable
>>> access notation that breaks as little as few as possible of the developers
>>> expectations of what can and can't be done.
>>> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 3:18 AM Jordan Harband <ljh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> As you've all pointed out, it's not "just sugar" in the sense that you
>>>> couldn't do it in ES5; it's more that parallel syntax and API were created
>>>> for the new functionality in ES6. Thanks for providing clear code examples
>>>> of how one might extend builtins without `class`.
>>>> @kai: yes, extending builtins makes sense, in that it's an important
>>>> part of ES6. Invoking "the web" doesn't negate *any* of the features of the
>>>> language, new or old. Separately, not every web use involves any JSON
>>>> serialization in either direction.
>>>> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 12:15 AM, T.J. Crowder <
>>>> tj.crow...@farsightsoftware.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 8:00 AM, Michael Theriot
>>>>> <michael.lee.ther...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> > `Reflect.construct` allows subclasses to obtain internal slots
>>>>> without
>>>>> > `super()` / class syntax.
>>>>> Indeed, Darien pointed that out as well (and if you two hadn't, I
>>>>> would have. :-)
>>>>> > This is the first I have heard `class` is anything but sugar.
>>>>> The accurate statement would be that `class` lets you do things you
>>>>> couldn't do in ES5. But so does `Reflect.construct`. I believe it was
>>>>> important to the "no `new`" crowd that a non-`class` mechanism existed for
>>>>> creating objects using Error and Array as prototypes.
>>>>> -- T.J. Crowder
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