On Sat, Jan 12, 2019 at 8:19 AM Randy Buchholz <w...@randybuchholz.com>

> (Hi all, new to group)
> Some of the Well Known Symbols are linked to standard functions –
>  Symbol.toStringTag - A string value used for the default description of an
> object. Used by Object.prototype.toString().
> When I have a Class instance (say, `const flow = new Flow()`, the
> debugger shows `flow = Flow {`.
> But when I do `console.log( typeof flow)` the output is `object`.
> I assume changing basic behavior `typeof` would be breaking, but extending
> it through a symbol would be useful.
> `Symbol.typeofTag` of just `Symbol.typeof`
> Invoking `typeof` on an object with this symbol would return “user-typed”
> information.

can't you just use the constructor name when needing more detail?

var a = new Date();

> (Posting Question)
> What is the preferred format/approach for highlighting code in posts?
> ____________________
> Possible Approaches
> ```
> class Flow {
>     get [Symbol.typeof]() { return Flow; }  or { return “Flow” }
> }
> ```
> would work much like Symbol.species.  Implicitly casting to string would
> be more intuitive I think.
> Other approaches, (special handling of well-knowns) could be:
> Decorator-ish
> ```
> [Symbol.typeof] = “Flow”
> Class Flow {…
> ```
> or inferred
> ```
> [Symbol.typeof]
> class Flow {…
> ```
> Internal – In class, but not in a function.
> ```
> Class Flow {
> [Symbol.typeof]
> or
> [Symbol.typeof] = “Flow”
> or
> [Symbol.typeof] = Flow
> or
> [Symbol.typeof] = this
> ```
> Constructor
> ```
> Class Flow {
>    Constructor() {
>       this[Symbol.typeof] = …
>       …
> ```
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