People use JSX, which is basically E4X, so I'd argue the word useless is
not really appropriate. You can use E4X to produce HTML, the fact we're
talking XML is merely about the E4X background, but as you could produce
strings out of E4X you could do the same and have better templating out of
the box.

But like I've said, I already use template literal tags, but those strings
don't get hints or highlights as if these were E4X, XML, or plain HTML,
which is the only cool thing I'd personally find useful.

Maybe it's just a tooling issue though.

On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 3:06 PM ViliusCreator <>

> > the client, it could still somehow shine in NodeJS though.
> The only way it can shine is only passing HTML objects as arg to website.
> That’s it. And still, you can use string to do that for you. People already
> use JSON and I don’t think they would use XML in Node js. There are already
> tons of libs for XML stuff, yet they don’t have a lot of downloads, as far
> as I remember.
> So basically, Node js doesn’t need XML. That would be useless.
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