On 4/2/08, Lars Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  > I meant something like:
>  >
>  > var foo::[bar] = baz;
>  >
>  > My objection to expr::[expr] in earlier messages was based on
>  > the assumption that these computed names could be used on the
>  > left-hand side of an assignment expression -- which, I'm
>  > pretty sure, is syntactically valid.
> But that by itself can't introduce bindings (except global ones).

I didn't know that, but I'm happy to hear it.  I figured, from the
syntactic form alone, that:

var foo::[bar] = ...

... would introduce a function-local binding (if the name wasn't
already bound) -- since that's what var normally does.

> If you want to introduce a new binding then you have to do eg
>   ns var x = E
>  to introduce ns::x, and ns has to reference a namespace
>  definition, so it's not variable.  Nor is the x, obviously.

Good. But then why allow:

var expr::[expr] = ...

... at all?  (I'm specifically referring to the fact that 'var'
appears before the name.)  This has the syntactic form of a
definition, but it can't actually be one, according to what you've
written.  It could only be an assignment.  (Okay, I guess it could
introduce a property on the global object, but that's already a
special case and doesn't require definition syntax.)

>  But in that case:
>   var v1 = ns
>   var v2 = "x"
>   v1::[v2] = 20
>  updates ns::x, AFAIK.  Nothing you can't do with lexically
>  scoped eval.

That, by itself, isn't exactly an selling point; no one likes
lexically scoped eval.

I find computed names less objectionable now that I know local
bindings can't be introduced by them.  (I thought that shadowing could
occur, which wouldn't be detectable until runtime.  Of course, that is
true of 'with' -- but, again, hardly a selling point.)  Can't say I'd
be sorry if they were removed from the language, though.

Is this already in AS3?  If so, is it often used?


>  --lars
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