
1) If your cycle time is 4ms, I think it should instead be:
0x60C2, 0x01 = 4
0x60C2, 0x02 = -3

  ecrt_slave_config_sdo8(dev->slaveConfig, 0x60C2, 0x01, (uint8_t)4);
  ecrt_slave_config_sdo8(dev->slaveConfig, 0x60C2, 0x02, (int8_t)(-3));

Where the first parameter is the significand and the second parameter is the 
exponent.  So:
(0x60C2, 0x01) * 10 ^ (0x60C2, 0x02)  =  4 * 10 ^ -3  =  0.004 seconds  =  4 ms

2) I’m currently patching against 1.5.2 (2526).  Yes it is still quite old but 
I haven’t needed to (or had the time) to move on.  I don’t think any of my 
patches have made it into the master.  My current DC patch is: 
etherlabmaster-1.5.2-2526-c_dc_helpers.patch (attached).  There is still the 
odd issue with some of the slaves taking a while to sync on startup.  This has 
been solved by other people but I haven’t had a chance to add it in myself yet.

I don’t think the EK1100, EL1008 and EL2008 modules are able to be set up as DC 
slaves, but they can be used as the reference clock slave.

Before starting realtime polling I set the reference clock slave using (where 
refSlaveConfig is the slaveConfig of the module I select via a config file):
  ecrt_master_select_reference_clock(ecMod->master, refSlaveConfig);

This is after ecrt_master_application_time() and before ecrt_master_activate().

My realtime loop is:

  // receive process data

  // process domain data
  for (i = 0; i < EC_DOMAIN_COUNT; i++)

  // check domain state, check master state

  // prepare pdo data

  // send process data
  for (i = 0; i < EC_DOMAIN_COUNT; i++)

  // always sync distributed clock (just before master_send)

  // do the send

  // update the master clock (if this module provides the ref slave)
  // Note: called after ecrt_master_send to reduce time jitter

My syncDistClock function gets the current ref slave time and requests the 
slaves to sync to the ref slave:

  // cache prev master time and get now
  masterTime      = (uint32_t)ecMod->m_dcTime;
  ecMod->m_dcTime = filterTime( rt_get_time_ns() );

  // get lower 32 bit of clock time from reference slave (after first scan)
  if (ecMod->m_getDCDiff)
    int      res;
    uint32_t slaveTime;
    res = ecrt_master_reference_clock_time(ecMod->master, &slaveTime);

    switch (res)
      case 0 :
        // calc time diff
        ecMod->m_dcDiff = masterTime - slaveTime;
      } break;

      default :
        // no ref clock found or datagram failure
        ecMod->m_dcDiff = 0;
    ecMod->m_dcDiff    = 0;
    ecMod->m_getDCDiff = true;

  // call to sync slaves to ref slave
  // (which is used for ecrt_master_reference_clock_time)

  // update the master time for the next cycle (in nano-seconds)
 // (this is required for the master to figure out the modules initial
  //  dc time)
  ecrt_master_application_time(ecMod->master, ecMod->m_dcTime + 

My updateMasterClock function is responsible for tracking and filtering the 
master time drift.  This drift is added to the rtai time.  So whenever I need 
to get an rtai time I need to wrap it in the filterTime() function.  When I 
need the realtime cycle to sleep for the next period (using 
rt_sleep_until(wakeTime)) the wake time is adjusted by the filtered time.

(Note: error checking removed to hopefully make clearer)

I hope this helps,


From: 陈成细 [mailto:crazyintermi...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 29 May 2015 2:19 p.m.
To: Graeme Foot
Subject: Re: Twincat communicate with yaskawa SGDV alarm A12 (Sync Error)

Dear Graeme Foot,
Thanks for your kindly guide in the mailing list and private email. In the 
recently half year, I do on the track and make in progress to drive my yaskawa 
servopack and servo motor via etherlab master.
First of all, I would like update my status to you.
1. I create three domain, readdomain, write domain for yaskawa, another domain 
for others.
2. I can make motor rotate in free run mode without setup DC
3. Two times success to drive motor with DC, others 5000ms sync error
My setup:
ubuntu 14.04, xenomai real time kernel, etherlab1.52 stable
I do my homework already, and I think the answer already in the mailing list, 
so I have several point need to make clear.

1. <http://lists.etherlab.org/pipermail/etherlab-users/2012/001562.html> post 
you mention


Yes I have thanks.  My cycle time is 1ms.  I have set:

0x60C2, 0x01 = 1

0x60C2, 0x02 = -3

My cycle time use 4ms, I set

0x60C2, 0x01 = 01

0x60C2, 0x02 = FD
refer to
[Inline image 1]

2. Regarding DC patch 
<http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.network.etherlab.user/1421>, do you have latest 
patch for etherlab1.52 stable, since it is years ago, or already merged into 
I understand that 5000ms sync error caused by DC time offset calculation 
inaccurate. First of all, I select yaskawa slave as reference clock, then sync 
master to reference clock? If I add EK1100, EL1008, and EL2008, also I have to 
sync these slaves to reference clock?
As now my implement in my loop as follow:
// send process data

  // update application time

  master->app_time += master->app_time_period;

  ecrt_master_application_time(master->master, master->app_time);

  // sync ref clock to master

  if (master->sync_ref_cycles > 0) {

    if (master->sync_ref_cnt == 0) {

      master->sync_ref_cnt = master->sync_ref_cycles;





  // sync slaves to ref clock


  // send domain data



As follow 
<http://lists.etherlab.org/pipermail/etherlab-users/2014/002461.html>, I have 
to use

ecrt_master_reference_clock_time()instead of 

Sorry, I am totally lost here. And should select slave as reference clock 
outside loop?



On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 11:52 AM, 陈成细 
<crazyintermi...@gmail.com<mailto:crazyintermi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Dear Graeme,
Thank you for your reply, it is really helpful.
My whole system only one set yaskawa servopack and motor, maybe i have to read 
out cycle time of servopack , and set twincat the same cycle time.
Since i bought second hand yaskawa SGDV servopack, i just want use twincat to 
confirm that my servopack can work well and to configure .xml.
It seems quite headache, i will try to fix it anyway.
Best regards!

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 8:25 AM, Graeme Foot 
<graeme.f...@touchcut.com<mailto:graeme.f...@touchcut.com>> wrote:

I've never tried using TwinCAT with the SGDV drives.  The drives are quite 
unforgiving if your master cycle is a bit out of sync or has reasonable jitter, 
so the only way I got mine to be happy was to use a slave as the distributed 
clock master and I sync the EtherCAT master to that.  I believe this is also 
the default method for TwinCAT but there is possibly some setup required to 
tell it which slave should be the DC master and also which slave should then 
also be running in DC mode.

My DC clock master slave is generally an EL1008 module, but only because this 
is the first slave we have that supports it.  From memory we used to use a 
EK1100 coupler but I think I recall having some issues where it wasn't stable 
enough for some reason.

The main thing is to always maintain consistent and as much as possible jitter 
free communications.  I'm not sure how to do that with TwinCAT.


From: 陈成细 [mailto:crazyintermi...@gmail.com<mailto:crazyintermi...@gmail.com>]
Sent: Thursday, 28 August 2014 14:07
To: Graeme Foot
Subject: Twincat communicate with yaskawa SGDV alarm A12 (Sync Error)

Dear Graeme,

Currently i am trying to connect twincat with yaskawa SGDV driver, I meet CoE- 
Emergency then synchronization error. After I search from website, luckily i 
read your posts 
(http://article.gmane.org/gmane.network.etherlab.user/1378/match= ).

Since i am just start to learn ethercat as a hobby, first step i use tool 
TwinCat to communicate with SGDV driver follow the 
After i read your posts, i think maybe the problems are as follow:
1. SGDV parameter setting( since i reset all parameter to factory setting)?
2. Sync mode slection?
3. Twincat cycle time setting?
4. Laptop CPU calibrate?
I am appreciated if you  can give any hint to help me solve this error. Next 
step i would like build the communicate by etherlab master under linux xenomai. 
There still quite a long way to go.
Best regards!
R&D Engineer
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.

Best regards!
R&D Engineer
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.

Best regards!
R&D Engineer
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.

Attachment: etherlabmaster-1.5.2-2526-c_dc_helpers.patch
Description: etherlabmaster-1.5.2-2526-c_dc_helpers.patch

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