I am only beginning to grok the etherlab stack, but I've got some questions 
about bus scanning and topology discovery.

First, is there a reason that the user library doesn't have a method to trigger 
a bus scan?  There is an ioctl for it (EC_IOCTL_MASTER_RESCAN), and the 
ethercat tool uses that to trigger a rescan, but I don't see any way to reach 
this from the library (struct ec_master is opaque to the library user, so I 
can't just call ioctl).

When the bus scan fails (under a VM this happens a lot during SII reading) 
there doesn't seem to be any direct indication of this.  The best indicator I 
can find is that the VendorId and ProductCode fields are zeroed out for a slave 
that failed.  Shouldn't there be a status of some kind?

Since the bus scan takes a significant amount of time, is it possible to 
request a scan of only the slave(s) that failed?  It doesn't look like it, but 
I thought maybe I missed something.

When the master is active I understand the very low response timeout (500us).  
However, when the master is deactivated we aren't guaranteed to be in real time 
context, so that's a *really* small timeout.  Isn't it reasonable to have a 
much longer timeout value for deactivated communications?  On my development VM 
(using a USB to Ethernet adapter) I have to increase the timeout more than 
1000x to avoid timeouts and failures in the bus scan.  More generally, is there 
a reason that a user shouldn't be able to set the timeouts programmatically, so 
I can set it via config file based on deployment platform?

I see a wait queue tied to the bus scan completion, but there doesn't appear to 
be a way to use it to just wait until scan completion.  I'd like to be able to 
setup a thread that monitored the bus for changes and reacted, but it looks 
like that requires polling of the scan_busy flag?  At the moment it looks like 
the only way to reach this wait queue is via ec_master_enter_operation_phase.

When topologies change during active operation is there a way to use the slave 
port connectivity graph to indicate device configuration information?  I know 
what my maximal configuration will be, and I know that dynamic 
connect/disconnect will affect a specific port<->port edge.  That doesn't alter 
any configuration except devices sharing that edge.  Tying config info to 
auto-inc addresses seems fragile.  Has this or anything like it be discussed 

-Scott Tillman
etherlab-users mailing list

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