
I'm new using your great prog for the AVR-NET-IO.

Everything is working perfectly getting temps from1-Wire and turning relays on and off on the K8 IO.

I'm now looking for way to set the state of the relays if the connection to the "host" application is lost.


I have a prog reading values from the AVR and switching thing on and off.
If the connection between the PC and the AVR is lost, a turned on relay will stay on. This might be dangerous depending on the purpose.

I'm trying to find a way to tell the AVR to turn off all relays if the connection to the PC is lost.

I could also imagine to use one of the ADC ports to check the "online" status, like if the value = 0 PC is online and if <> 0 PC is offline.
Then it would also be possible to have an emergency switch to turn the AVR off.

Thanks again for a great job and I would very much appreciate to hear from you.



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