You didn't say you rebooted after you ran lilo.  Try that.

>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4/26/2000 6:52:38 PM >>>

Actually, I *think* I have the same problem.  Is there a better
way to find out whether or not linux is seeing the memory other
than running top?  I've got 256 megs but top shows 
Mem:    64040K av
in the upper left corner.  *Something* is amiss since it gets really
sluggish running netscape.

I tried putting 
and also tried 
(from another recommendation)
in my lilo.conf in the "image" section, just before read-only.

After typing "lilo" as root just afterward, I hit 'top' again
and it still only shows 64 MB.  Is there something I'm missing?


On Thu, Apr 20, 2000 at 02:17:01PM -0700, Seth Cohn wrote:
> At 11:11 PM 04/20/2000 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hi
> HI.  You're in DENMARK?  Ok.... a little far from Eugene
> Somehow I don't think you're a regular at the meetings.
> >I have a strange problem with my redhat 6.2 linux server.
> >It have 256 Mb ram installed but linux only sees 64 Mb, if i run "top".
> try adding: append="ram=256M"
> to your lilo.conf and run lilo.  should work.
> Seth

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