Hi John,

At 11:02 PM 6/8/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Also is it necessary to delete the old config file with the video settings
>to start over.  When I run Sax the mouse is locked up.  Thought I would try
>to solve the problem on my own.  I know of the clinic on Thursday.   

Once I have a good X config setup, I find that it's helpful to keep a copy of 
the config file to avoid having to go through that whole process during
each install.


>PS System Settings:
>Sylvania f72 monitor
>Creative labs 3d blaster banshee card with 16 megs of memory
>PSS  Curious if I have the most up to date Xfree86?  I have heard that 4.0
>is out.  

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