At 04:06 PM 06/20/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>I added a description given from Ed Craig about EUGLUG at the Oregon
>Country Fair to the website.
>(Seth: Got a list of sponsors I can add?)

Yes... looks like we will have a pile of T-shirts, a goodly amount of CDs,
some books, and some misc stuff....

I suspect for the next event (sometime this fall), we will have a lot more...
I think this is good, cause the fair is SO big, it's almost too big to do 
to, we wouldn't be able to give EVERYONE CDs etc anyway... we'd need 100's 
of sponsors
to do that. :)

so far:

  TeamLinux will donate 4 dozen TeamLinux tee shirts (L, XL, XXL) to the
EULUG cause.

From: Linux Central <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Yes, we will send some items.

Linux Weekly News :
We don't really have any give-away items to send you.  I would be happy to
provide a little publicity though.  Could you send us a press release of
some kind?  Just a short plain text announcement sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
I'll make sure it gets published.
[Rob, I'll send the announcement to them....  heavily cribbed from Ed's great
description of the fair...]

100 bumper stickers
50 CD's
20 T-shirts

We are happy to support the EUGLUG Linux Demo event through our
user group sponsorship program. I will send you a user kit that
contains product datasheets, technical guides and marketing items
to give away at your event and to allow you to better present
and promote VMware. I will also include a certificate for a
complimentary VMware license.

Loki Entertainment Software:
In the meantime, we will be sending to you 10 CDs that contain all our
current demos, as well as a copy of Quake III Arena that you can raffle.

Enhanced Software Technologies, Inc.
50 Demo Cds and a few full versions

Addison-Wesley Professional:
We would be happy to send you some books to serve as raffle prizes for the 
fair. I'll send them out this week.

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