At 06:21 PM 06/20/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Seth Cohn wrote:
> > Loki Entertainment Software:
> > In the meantime, we will be sending to you 10 CDs that contain all our
> > current demos, as well as a copy of Quake III Arena that you can raffle.
>I've never been to the Country Fair (and my boss won't let me go this
>year -- grr!) but am I correct in thinking Quake won't fit in very
>well there?
>                                         K<bob>

Roger that, Bob,

Quake, in any variant, would be as out of place as a hamster entrant in a 
log-rolling contest (though that metaphor is pretty beaten-up 
already).   My guess is that all full-or-demo versions of Quake or 
LOKI-ported FPS would need to go into storage for the Fall National Demo 
Day (if such an event takes place, it would be the 2nd annual event of its 
kind), to be used as a raffle item, then.  It seems that, unless 
representatives of the various Linux enterprises actually GO TO the Oregon 
Country Fair website, they often seem to be guessing that the OCF is some 
kinda State Fair.....  whooeeeeee;  NOT!

Gee (however):   I wonder how many users of default installs of MS Winders 
know about the game called Minefield, included as one of the four 
recreationals, along with Solitaire, et al. ??

the other Rob

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