Hi All --

I got this from the weekly SecurityPortal newsletter. I don't know 
if anyone is interested or not, yet I know that many in EUGLUG are 
fond of the Mandrake distro. Thought you might like to know if ya hadn't 


> Weekly Linux Security Roundup
> <http://securityportal.com/topnews/weekly/linux20000626.html>
>  - Vendors have finally caught up on the INN and Kernel issues. A lot more
> exploit code has been released for a number of packages, so if you are not
> up to date you might want to spend the weekend installing AutoRPM or setting
> up a dpkg script. Mandrake also wins (hands down) the "easiest distribution
> to break into remotely" and "easiest distribution to break into locally",
> having finally released 8 fixes for very severe security bugs in 7.1 (their
> latest, not so greatest distribution).

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