Hi Yaqin -- 

For apps try <http://greatbasin.linuxberg.com/>, they have lots of apps
under the gpl.
You can get Corel WordPrefect 8.0 for linux there. It's free for
personal use (they require
that you register it though after 30 days use. There are lots of other
products there so 
explore the site. Also write to the makers of your favorite apps and
request the port it to 
linux. They probably won't right away yet they more they're aware of a
potential market, the
more likely to do it.


yaqin wrote:
> I have been trying to move from MS to Linux and things have, for the most
> part. gone pretty smooth. No probs with the install (Mandake) and lilo works
> good.
> I am having a problem finding the application software I need. Just unable
> to locate anything like Print Shop or Printmaster. Gimp is ok but unless I
> am missing something, in order to change  or move an object placed earlier
> in the project, you must delete everything back to that part or save your
> work after every little step and still you must reconstruct. Two poor
> choices. Also looking for a good web authoring tool, desktop publisher and
> word proccessor.
> These are the tools i use to make a living so...
> If anyone has experience with these types of apps. please drop me a line.
> Thanks

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