Best note yet about the tech which'll be available at the fair.
(Forwarded to see if some can see ways for EUGLUG to interact with it).

Ed Craig         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Taxi            Linux           FreeBSD
Think this through with me, let me know your mind...    Hunter/Garcia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 10:49:25 -0700
From: David Oaks - Support Coalition <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: update on satellite uplink

Hi Comboom folks!

I just talked to Clif Cox about all the great stuff he's been doing 
out at the Oregon Country Fair....

Well, first of all it was his birthday two days ago, and maybe he 
overdid all the rock slides at the lake.... and working at the Oregon 
Country Fair.... but sounds like he's recovered!

The location of the material gathered at the OCF will be

But if you click that in the next few moments, it won't go anywhere 
yet, you can click directly on the numbers though:

So there's already a few photos up there. This is where Clif said 
stuff would go..... So get ready to do some fast HTML..... For 
instance, Clif agreed it would be cool for Elaine to add a link to 
one of the pages so people can look at her photos from LAST year.

Clif said there'd be a special part about MAD PRIDE and that way 
Akasha and others could just upload directly to that node.

The satellite dish is installed on the top of a trailer near the 
warebarn..... But not to worry, there's a wireless feed to our booth 
so we can upload/download remotely. Also there's a digitizer so 
regular video can be made into a digital feed.

Note to Justin -- if KBOO brings a little tape recorder, you guys can 
do a digital feed.... Clif can do a rea laudio food -- in other words 
we can broadcast from the Communications Booth....  Just as I was 
preparing to e-mail this message out, Justin e-mailed that he has a 
MAD PRIDE song, wow co-inky-dink..... We all want to know the words 
for what may be an anthem, approved before being heard (hey, it's mad 
pride, we can approve anthems before ever hearing them).

Okay, folks there are a couple of dozen brainy talented people in our 
booth... We have a couple of really dedicated people -- Drake and 
Elaine -- "herding the cats" as they say at the fair (booth 
coordinating us is like herding cats)..... so, let's build those 
islands in the ferment of chaos and have a fantastic time getting 
some "real product" onto the web.

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