More details on what the communicatioins booth at the Oregon
Country Fair has online (and here I get to fwd a fwd).

Ed Craig         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Taxi            Linux           FreeBSD
Think this through with me, let me know your mind...    Hunter/Garcia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 17:53:59 -0700
From: David Oaks - Support Coalition <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: message from Fen to comboom

Fen was trying to e-mail comboom list.

(Fen used a different address then the one registered and it bounced. 
Fen, you're registered as [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Here's the message he's trying to send you all, I found the questions 
technically interesting and thought you all might want to read it.... 
thanks Fen!!!!!!

Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 15:52:17 -0700
From: Fen Labalme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: update on satellite uplink

[I sent this privately to David and the "satellite guys", and David asked
me to forward it to comboom in case others have ideas or can help...]

Hi all!

Great to (finally) hear all this good news!  I've been asking for
some time where content would be stored, as audio/video/pix/etc. can
chew up disk space quick!

I notice (via that is a Linux box
running Apache with Frontpage and PHP extensions.  Some questions:

Can you set me up with an account on festival?  I'd also like to get
root access (I assume you have openssh installed) but I can wait til
the fair for that password, unless you'd like help installing any
programs, utilities or servers (which I can do).

What sort of streaming servers are you running? RealAudio is what
David mentioned - so you have something like a RealServer?  What
audio/video editing tools will we have locally?  (Caveat - I'm not
really a multimedia kind of guy, but if I knew what was available, I
could start acquainting myself with the technology.)

After doing network consulting for several clients during the last
year, I feel I'm quite capable of helping with any
DNS/network/server issues that might spring up.  I once again offer
my help.


At 10:49 AM 6/29/2000 -0700, David Oaks wrote:

>Hi Comboom folks!
>I just talked to Clif Cox about all the great stuff he's been doing
>out at the Oregon Country Fair....
>Well, first of all it was his birthday two days ago, and maybe he
>overdid all the rock slides at the lake.... and working at the
>Oregon Country Fair.... but sounds like he's recovered!
>The location of the material gathered at the OCF will be
>But if you click that in the next few moments, it won't go anywhere
>yet, you can click directly on the numbers though:
>So there's already a few photos up there. This is where Clif said
>stuff would go..... So get ready to do some fast HTML..... For
>instance, Clif agreed it would be cool for Elaine to add a link to
>one of the pages so people can look at her photos from LAST year.
>Clif said there'd be a special part about MAD PRIDE and that way
>Akasha and others could just upload directly to that node.
>The satellite dish is installed on the top of a trailer near the
>warebarn..... But not to worry, there's a wireless feed to our
>booth so we can upload/download remotely. Also there's a digitizer
>so regular video can be made into a digital feed.
>Note to Justin -- if KBOO brings a little tape recorder, you guys
>can do a digital feed.... Clif can do a rea laudio food -- in other
>words we can broadcast from the Communications Booth....  Just as I
>was preparing to e-mail this message out, Justin e-mailed that he
>has a MAD PRIDE song, wow co-inky-dink..... We all want to know the
>words for what may be an anthem, approved before being heard (hey,
>it's mad pride, we can approve anthems before ever hearing them).
>Okay, folks there are a couple of dozen brainy talented people in
>our booth... We have a couple of really dedicated people -- Drake
>and Elaine -- "herding the cats" as they say at the fair (booth
>coordinating us is like herding cats)..... so, let's build those
>islands in the ferment of chaos and have a fantastic time getting
>some "real product" onto the web.

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