Hi all,

Just thought I'd pass this on.  Unfortunately, the beer's not free....

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:              Sun, 9 Jul 2000 13:25:01 PDT
To:                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
        "Marcia Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Vena L Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:                   "ELAINE M PHILLIPS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Send reply to:          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                fwd: SAO's Tech Brew pub

Thought this might be interesting for y'all.

---------- Original Text ----------

From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 07/08/2000 3:03 PM:

Members of the Eugene Entrepreneur's Group,

The Lane County Chapter of the Software Association of Oregon is
launching their Tech Brew Pub events this month. This might be of
value to you if your project is technology-based or if technology
plays an important role in your enterprise.

Our group is also exploring the role of Brew Pub events as part of our
offerings in the future.

Here is the announcement:

Attention all Technology Business Professionals--
The Tech Brew Pub is coming to Eugene!

The Lane County Chapter of the Software Association of Oregon is
excited to announce that the premiere networking event for
Information Technology professionals will debut on Thursday, July 20th
from 5-7 PM in the music venue at the Wild Duck (6th and Charnelton).

Whether you are a programmer, IT manager, or work in any
capacity at an IT company, this is the opportunity for you to meet
others in our industry. The brew pub is also open to IT professionals
who work in non-IT companies. Students are also welcome, but you must
be 21 years old.

The Tech Brew Pubs will be held on the third Thursday of every
month starting with July 20th. There is a $5 charge at the door and
light food/refreshments are included. The bar is a no host affair!!!

Please plan to join us for some good food, fine microbrew, and
great networking on July 20 and tell your friends and colleagues!

So that we have some idea for planning purposes, please stop by
http://www.sao.eugene.net/techbrewpub.htm  to pre-register.

E-mail your questions or comments to Matt Jarvis

Paul Berger
Business Development and Marketing
PO Box 11136
Eugene, OR  97440
Tel. 541 485-7220
Fax. 541 338-9737

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"Custard pies are a sort of esperanto: a  universal language." 
                     --Noel Godin  

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