On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Seth Cohn wrote:

> At 08:39 AM 07/10/2000 -0700, Ed wrote:
> >         On the whole, I had a Good Fair. I want to do this again, but
> >better, of course.  The feedback I got was uniformly positive.
> details please?
        They (the rest of the booth) like us. They liked us showing up for
our shifts, nobody was obnoxious, we gave out nice T shirts and CD's, and
we helped with the Linux notebooks that efn's people provided the booth.
They really loved that everybody was on hand for their assigned shifts.

> >I'm going
> >to kick off the critique with a couple of notes from my perspective. I'd
> >like to hear from the rest of you, even those who didn't come out to play.
> >We did good, we can do better.
> I would like to hear from everyone who attended...
> >         No more big boxes to spill CD's across main routes
> more little boxes.  check :)
        Smaller boxes, this was mostly my fault, I really hadn't
considered that if I took the biggest box we had it'd be a pain to schlep
any distance.

> >bring more stuff than we gave out (lots more) that's much better than not
> >enough.
> Where is the rest of the stuff?  I assume Ed has it?  Or Rob?
        I got it. 
> >         Tom Trent is still that mysterious stranger guy who helped out on
> >Sunday. Hey, we think we know who you are, Tom, sort of, at least by good
> >reputation in my case, but given that Seth sang my praises to my face
> >before Jamie spoke up to introduce us, that's not too bad.
> hehhe.  One good way to make friends is to only know them by email,
> and then talk about them in front of them, not knowing they are them.
> >         So, how can we do this activist thing better?
> So how did it go?  Were the comics a success?  Were the CDs?  Was Linux
> even close to interesting for the attendees?
        I think it went well, until I get feedback from others I won't
know for sure. The other Doors of Expression (Communications Booth) people
made approving noises. "The Wonderful Gift of Linux" was very popular,
people LIKED that ripoff, and who it was ripped off from (I put one into
every CD I got to the fair), and so was Thomas's info sheet. While we may
have some Redhat T's left, that's the most notable dent in our supplies, I
know we gave out more than a few CD's, but we had enough that the dent
isn't obvious. We still have grunches of Team Linux shirts. All the Tux's
disappeared, wish I'd remembered to bring the ones I left here.
        Of course, the proof will be obvious if we find it's
overwhelmingly crowded Thursday night, less obvious if we just get a few
strangers showing.

Ed Craig         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Taxi            Linux           FreeBSD
Think this through with me, let me know your mind...    Hunter/Garcia

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