You say:

             > Which desktop environment is going to dominate Linux in
             > three years?  

             We are in the proliferation stage. We will expect to see
             several desktops over the next year. Then we will 
             see some level of consolidation.

             The consolidation will not happen until some of the edges
             are rubbed off. They will bounce against each other
             until .... Snap.... Some factor takes a runaway feedback

             Computers really did not take off until...Snap, there
             was visicalc and suddenly the average manager could
             see a point to using it.

             The Linux user interface that will take off will be the 
             one that the average non-user can look at and see 
             a point to it.

             When visicalc took off and dominated the market, it was
             not because the previously existing computer users
             adopted it, but because the non-users all of a sudden
             found a new need to have a computer they did not have before.

             So probably none of the people on this list is using the
             user interface that will dominate in 3 years. But 
             perhaps one of these will be the genesis of the 
             user interface.

             The key will be to catch market attention.

             What would happen if 90% of the people who had pentiums 
             converted to linux? What are the barriers to this?

             Mostly the barriers are 
                    1) awareness
                    2) momentum
                    3) compatability with existing data/tools

            So, when I was at HP in the pre-personal computer market,
            we used to talk about the BIG 5. Those personal 
            computer apps that will drive the market. They were:

                     Word processing

            So, what do we see now for the average user? 

            They use:

                     Word processing
                     (maybe) databases

                     And perhaps some local specific app.
                     And kool Games.

            So, in my mind, the Desktop that will dominate will have
            nothing to do with technical value, but will be the one
            that makes using those tools above to be a trivial
            and not confusing experience. 

            To make this go , the things that will make a big difference
            is getting an office suite that is  clearly as good or
            better than MS office. And getting Kool games as good as
            what the Windows games do.

            What does office/games have to do with a desk top?
            The key will be to make all the little look and feel issues
            be seemless. To make the applications and all the little font
            glitches and display glitches smooth out and go away.

            When/if that happens... All that needs to take place is that
            10% of the existing Microsoft market adopt that configuration
            and that desktop will suddenly dominate the market.

            So... It is important to look outside the Linux box to
            the markets next door to see what the factors are for
            market domination.

            Sorry for the long ramble on a saturday morning.


rocksolidnetworks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 % Sigh... Questions like this always seem to come up... I never understand why, but...
 % So... One of the grooviest things about using a *nix is that you use X, and which 
 % gui you prefer, some like kde, some like fvwm, some like gnome, some like sawmill, 
and some
 % are like myself and like enlightenment. Now, just because Enlightenment is my fav 
gui, doesnt mean
 % that KDE is bad, infact I do use KDE if needed. back to the question at hand (which 
desktop environment will dominate),
 % My best guess is if one dominates, it wont be the one I like, but I really dont 
think there will be only one (ofcoures I said that 
 % a long time ago about computers, and well... Microsoft pretty much totally 
 % I guess the best answer is... Only time will tell :) I hope they all live and 
thrive well :)
 % Jamie
 % You wrote:
 % > Hey, here's a question for the assembled wisdom.  Which desktop
 % > environment is going to dominate Linux in three years?  KDE had an
 % > early lead, but it hasn't had a stable release in over a year, and
 % > Gnome is progressing rapidly.  Gnome seems to have a lot more
 % > commercial development (e.g., Eazel, Helix) and buzz going.  It's not
 % > clear to me which project has the bigger development community.
 % > 
 % > So what's going to happen?  (Microsoft Desktop for Linux. *-: )
 % > 
 % > -- 
 % >                                         K<bob>
 % > 
 % > 

John Sechrest          .         Helping people use
CEO PEAK -              .           computers and the Internet
Public Electronic         .            more effectively
Access to Knowledge,Inc       .                      
1600 SW Western, Suite 180       .            Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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