I would not worry about upgrading to woody if you do not need to do so!  If
you are installing on a new system with cutting edge hardware then you may
only be able to support new hardware to it's fullest with unstable (woody)
or even more buggy "sid".  However if you are setting up on an older system
then "potato" will probably do you just fine.  If you want your debian box
to be a playground of hacking and fiddling, then unstable is for you... if
you want a box that is static with fantastic uptime and reliability then go
stable release 2.2r2, and stick with kernel source 2.2.18pre21.  2.4.0 is
stable?, but will require newer libc6 and modutils in order to work with
2.4.0 modules properly and gets into fiddling and hacking.  Get used to
potato and then buy the CD set when woody comes out.  Usually the cd set is
dirt cheap, and some of that goes to support open source developers and
software :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 11:26 AM
Subject: [EUG-LUG:119] Installing Debian

> Questions for all you Debianista.
> Which release should I install?  Potato is old, and Woody is a moving
> target, and ThePostWoodyReleaseWhateverItsCalled is not soup yet,
> right?  What is the rev. number of Woody?
> When I go to www.debian.org, I only see info on getting Potato.
> I see woody in <mirror>/debian/dists/woody, but no info on how
> to install from that directory.
> Should I install Potato first, then upgrade to woody, or what?
> --
>                                         K<bob>
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.jogger-egg.com/

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