Have you ever considered therapy, Dexter? Sometimes just a simple 
supplement can help you.

Regards, Jim

Dexter Graphic wrote:
>>Hey Dexter,
>>If you don't like the way it is here, Move!!!
>>I will not justify it to anyone.
> Where could I go? Some third world dictatorship propped 
> up by US aid so that corporations can strip the land of
> natural resources and exploit the people for cheap labor?
> I'd just become a field slave rather than a house slave.
> Capitalism has its tentacles everywhere. There is no way
> of escaping it. All attempts throughout history to set
> up an alternative social system based on brotherly love 
> and an equitable sharing of the earth's bounty have been 
> violently crushed by a power hungry elite who felt that 
> it should all belong to them (with the support of those 
> who were willing to kill and enslave their brothers in 
> order to get a share of the loot.) The lowest element has
> gained power and set up a system to maintain that power.
> There is no running away from evil, it must be overcome 
> by the power of good: personal honesty, integrity, and 
> creativity. I will stay and fight for the working people
> of this country and every other against the injustice,
> lies, and brutality of capitalism (legalized plunder.)
> So help me God,
> Dexter Graphic

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