Is it almost time for a road trip, anyone?

----- Forwarded message from Paul Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
> To: plug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: Paul Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 14 Oct 2002 17:27:26 -0700
> Subject: [PLUG] Red Hat Road Tour coming to Portland
> Should I have put free beer in the subject?  ;-^)
> Red Hat's new bright red motor home is crossing the country and will be
> stopping here in Portland for the weekend of Nov. 15 - 18. So far we've
> planned for them to join us for a Linux Clinic on Saturday the 16th. 
> We want to have an evening for grownups too though. The goal is to find
> a place where we can have a round table discussion mixed liberally with
> beverages for Saturday night on the 16th.
> So the question, who knows of a HUGE pub that can devote the space to a
> group that wants to eat and drink and round table? We'd need to be able
> to do all three. As far as numbers think 200 or so.
> I'm a bit out of my league here as I don't drink beer but I'm betting
> that some of you do. ;-^) Let's post your suggestions and then I'll make
> the arrangements. We've got one month of lead time so I think we're ok
> on that. We'd also want to brain storm some of the PR stuff.
> The Linux in Schools folks are trying to send a group of 20 teachers to
> NECC, the largest tech/edu conference in the US. There will be 10,000+
> teachers there. We have teachers who have submitted proposals to present
> from all over the country but we don't really have much funding to help
> them with the costs of a trip like this. How would you folks feel about
> a cover charge that would go to fund travel and registration expenses
> for teachers who are accepted to present at NECC?
> BTW I love what happens when you search for necc seattle on google!
> I'd also like to explore some kind of business related event. Is there
> someone with enough business/IT connections to bring together a luncheon
> for Friday or Monday? We're working on getting some of the school IT
> folks together for something like that. Who has some thoughts along
> these lines?
> ;-) Paul
> -- 
> ======================================================================
> Paul Nelson.............................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Riverdale High...........9727 SW Terwilliger Blvd. Portland, OR 97219
> (503)892-0722......fax(503)892-0723....
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> PLUG mailing list

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