On Sun, 27 Oct 2002, Beaker (aka Jeff W.) wrote:

> I've got a hardware question: how hot is too hot WRT hard drives? The
> Fujitsu 4 GB UltraSCSI drive I just did an install on is a little loud
> and seems to run hot, though no errors were experienced during the
> install. I stuck an digital thermometer on it: 97.1 F. This was with the
> case open & the drive sitting on top, so it wasn't getting the benefit
> of normal case cooling. Does that seem too hot?

That doesn't sound too bad, but you might want to check the drive
manufacturer's physical spec sheets to determine temperature range.  A
quick browse over http://hdd.fujitsu.com/global/drive/ suggests that they
can generally tolerate up to 120F.  You might check out your specific
model number.


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