Generally speaking, marijuana smokers don't normally
hallucinate unless it's some really good stuff or
smoked in large quanities. :) Not that I do that stuff
or anything (anymore).

I do this because I like it. Free software isn't about
politics to me. I like having options. I like playing
with my toys. I like the challenge and the learning
experience. I don't like blue screens and software
that costs hundreds upon hundreds of dollars when
there is competitive well performing alternative. The
same thing goes for finding software for use with
Windows as well. OpenOffice, GIMP, FreeRipMp3,
IrFanView, lots of well performing software for $0. 

Just my $0.02.

Mr O.

--- Dexter Graphic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On this mailing list?
> In the Eugene Unix & GNU-Linux User Group?
> In the free software movement?
> I'm beginning to wonder if this whole movement is,
> for 
> the most part, just a drug-induced
> mass-hallucination.
> Dexter Graphic

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