Way too late for this. Use google or your favorite search site to look for "Project Echelon". The only difference now is that they want permission to use the information in court and for subpoenas.

At 03:49 PM 3/23/2003 -0800, you wrote:

        It's not often I come across something on topic for both these

Ed Craig                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Taxi (I need an income)                 GNU/Linux (I can afford a Free OS)
Think this through with me, let me know your mind...    Hunter/Garcia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 00:14:16 -0800
From: Cindy Cohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ttac02] There's a war on, do you know where your data is?

Hi all,

With the war declared, it's becoming quite clear that ISPs and other
holders and passers of electrons throughout the US (and probably much of
the world) are receiving various sorts of subpoenas, court orders and
warrants to collect and hold information.  about people involved in the
peace movement and other progressive organizing, along with anyone with an
Arabic sounding name or ties.

If this concerns you, or the people you work with, a couple of thoughts:

1) Are you using encryption when you can?  Are the people who you work
with?  Go to www.pgpi.org and download the program and find someone to show
you how to use it. It's not that hard and there are plenty of folks on this
list and elsewhere who can teach you.  If you use Outlook, I've just been
told that there is opportunistic encryption built in if you know how to
turn it on.  I'll send an EFF hat to the first person who sends me an
explanation of how to do it that my grandfather could understand. I'll also
make sure it gets posted online. If you know how to use PGP, target 3
colleagues who need it and teach them. Then use it with them so that they
get well-practiced. And don't forget PGPDisk.  No one should cross a border
without her hard drive encrypted.  We worked hard to free encryption from
governmental censorship and control.  Please use it.

2) For those of you that administer websites, e-mail systems and similar
technologies, what information do you have about your users?  Do you need
to have it?  Does your website gather IP addresses?  Does your e-mail
system keep log files? Are you keeping them?  If so, why and for how long?
Double checking the settings on your servers and systems.  The techies who
write most of those programs set the default to save everything. Do you
really need that?  Most good sysadmins are packrats by nature; but now is
the time to fight that urge to keep every scrap of data "just in case"
someone wants it later.  That someone could be John Ashcroft.

The US has NO data retention requirements. As long as you implement a
system of eliminating records as you go and stick to it, there's no
liability for you if the feds come to seize your server and there's nothing
on it they can use.  Let's exercise this freedom NOT to gather information
for the government while we still have it.

3) What footprints are you and your colleagues leaving when you travel
around the Internet?  Think about using anonymizer.com or similar tool for
your surfing.  It's easy.  Anonymizer.com offers a free account to EFF
members, but whether you go through us or directly to them or through some
other tool.

I'm proud of the work the peace movement has done so far and the good use
it's made of new technologies to assist in organizing, planning, rallying
and support. We've been watching the Ashcroftians closely, however, and
it's clear that the war on terrorism and the war on Iraq are being used as
excuses to spy on the public and to gather extensive dossiers about us. The
peace movement is an obvious target for harassment using this
information.  Let's not make their job any easier for them.

And if you hear from law enforcement about your online activities, please
don't hesitate to contact us.

Feel free to forward this message to anyone who you think could benefit
from it.

Take care,


Cindy A. Cohn                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Legal Director                    www.eff.org
Electronic Frontier Foundation
454 Shotwell Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel:  (415)436-9333 x 108
Fax: (415) 436-9993

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