On Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 11:06:11PM -0800, Rob Hudson wrote:
> Does Fedora Core Yarrow use the 2.6 kernel?  If so, it might be the
> switch from OSS to ALSA.  I'm struggling with that myself after I gave
> 2.6.0 a shot.  I have my sound card compiled as modules and loaded but
> don't have sound.  I've yet to tweak the mixer.

According to ALSA docs, "All mixer channels are muted by default.
You must use a native or OSS mixer program to unmute appropriate
channels (for example a mixer from the alsa-utils package)."

Once you have the mixer levels set to your preference, you can
use 'alsactl store' to save the settings (do it as root).  Then
you can use 'alsactl restore' to set the mixer to those levels.
This is probably done by your distro's alsasound init file ...
store on shutdown and restore on boot.

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