------- Forwarded Message

Date:    Mon, 01 Mar 2004 09:18:32 -0800
Subject: [lug] Linux Installfest/Clinic Saturday 13 March
From:    Bill Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Installfest/Clinic Announcement

The  Mid-Willamette Valley Linux User's Group will be sponsoring
an installfest/Clinic Saturday 13 March 2004.

We will be providing  help installing linux, configuring your
already installed linux or troubleshooting your system.
Everyone is invited.

When:  Saturday 13 March 2004
       10am - 1pm

where:  Peak Internet, 
        1600 Western Blvd, Suite 180, 
        Corvallis, OR
        near the SW corner of  15th and Western 
                 OSU CAMPUS    |
          -------------------------- <- Western Blvd          
                 __________    |
                |          |   |    
                | Peak     |   |
                |__________|   |                                 
                  ^            |
      entrance----|            |  
                 Parking       |  <-- 15th Street
                  lot          |

what to bring:
     Your computer, monitor, mouse 
     any peripherals (modem, printer etc) you may want to configure 
     We will have copies of several Linux distributions Debian, RedHat, 
         Gentoo and others, or bring your own. 

sponsored by
  Mid-Willamette Valley Linux User's Group

for more information 
 contact Bill Barry  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 or see http://www.mwvlug.org

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