
Apologies if I'm repeating someone else's comments, I only get the daily
digest of the mailing list so may be behind.  I have also taken a few days
to write this in an attempt to explain myself clearly.

I am an ultimate player and game adviser, having attended WU23 2015 and
WUGC 2016.  I was initially skeptical about the program and felt the best
way to understand it was to be a part of it.  That gave me full access to
all the information that was being provided and has helped me view the
program as a whole.

I have found it a very enjoyable and rewarding experience and have seen it
transfer over to my own play.  Far from making me stop respecting my
opponents perspective it has reminded me to take an emotional step away
from the play and try look clearly at the facts being presented.

As a game adviser my most enjoyable, and I think most significant
contributions, have been when I've encouraged players to give their
opponents time to speak, helped explain away language difficulties* and
when one player asked for my opinion on a play followed by their opponent
saying they have heard what's been said but they are still going to
make/contest a call.

As a game adviser I have zero power over a game of ultimate other than the
respect people put in my opinion and my ability to remind players, when
tired and caught up in a moment, to respect their opponents opinion as well.

Olivier - you talk about national federations talking with players and
clubs about their spirit and the possible need for penalties.  To me, this
is another type of third party attempting to influence a groups behaviour.
A difference that I see is that national federations would be getting
involved after the fact instead of when the incidents are happening.

To create a rather extreme example - a team gets consistently low spirit
scores on route to winning a national championship.  Based on the scores
received, their opponents all have a problem with how they behaved.  If
asking the national federation to address this, the conversation could be:
"You're spirit on route to winning the national title was bad.  If you
don't improve it next year, we may not let you enter the following year".
Thus the team will not face the penalties you considered until 2 years
later.  By that time all their opponents have been forced to endure their
poor spirit and could, justifiably, feel cheated out of a national title
two years in a row.

Using the same example with game advisers, we would be present during games
not just after the fact.  We would not have power to change the teams
attitude but, perhaps, as a neutral third party, the team might think twice
about how they are conducting themselves.  Perhaps they would be willing to
talk with us about some of the things we have seen during the game and,
perhaps, they would take our suggestions on things they could do
different.  Of course, in an ideal situation they would treat the
observations and suggestions of their opponents just the same but, if they
are consistently getting low spirit scores, it seems obvious they aren't
doing that.

Your proposed method of national federations addressing the matter after
the fact is still there.  Game advisers provide the possibility of
affecting the conduct as it's happening.

Thanks for reading my thoughts and opinion on this.

* I am a native English speaker who is very aware that he only speaks
English.  As a result I always try to make myself as clear and
understandable as possible and have developed a good understanding of what
people are trying to say in English when it is not their native language.
When opponents are attempting to talk, both in a foreign language,
confusion is common.  My experiences have shown me that helping with the
translations can be a big contribution to a calls resolution.

With regards,

Dominick Smyth,

DublinYouthUltimate.com <http://www.DublinYouthUltimate.com>
086 150 73 33


With regards,

Dominick Smyth,

086 150 73 33
EuroDisc mailing list

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