-----Original Message-----
From: Evan James Dembskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, December 08, 2000 5:27 AM
Subject: RE: On The Rise of Oxygen...

>> Come on over to Jason Perry's "Jupiter List" and "ISSDG" discussion
>> and you can see Clements and I tearing at each other and questioning each
>> other's ancestry on a regular basis.  It's wonderful.
>Would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction to sub to these?

Sure: www.egroups.com/group/jupiter_list

(You have to subscribe, which is both free and easy.)
Seriously, most of the discussion action that used to occur at the Europa
Icepick website seems to have moved over to these two sites -- simply
because there hasn't been much news specifically on Europa exploration in
recent months, and in any case it was obvious that a lot of the people
linked to the Icepick website were interested in more general exploration of
the Solar System.


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