Jayme Blaschke wrote:
> >>>What in the world is a weta?
> Director Peter Jackson's Wellington-based SFX company. :-)
> Jayme Lynn Blaschke

No great surprise... Jacko's a Kiwi (New Zealander); with a taste for 
cinema almost as ugly as the weta itself.

The weta is a very large arthropod endemic to NZ & surrounding islands; & 
as such is most unlikely to win any animal beauty contests (in fact, it 
looks a little like a mutant cross between a cockroach & a crab). As 
Bruce pointed out - & i acknowledge - being a large hard shelled critter 
puts you at a serious disadvantage in a mature ecosystem; but the NZ - 
even more than Australia - was ecologically very isolated prior to the 
arrival of the Melanesians (now Moari) people less than 1000yrs ago... as 
a result, the normal rules of competition didn't apply here; & insects 
like the weta & large, flightless birds like the tuatara, moa, kiwi & 
kakapo survived quite comfortably.

To reconcile my position with Bruce's observations: there's no doubt that 
some bodily systems are more efficient in the contemporary environment 
than others; but that isn't the same as saying that - in the absence of 
competition from more efficient living systems - large cockroaches 
mightn't reappear in contemporary conditions. Indeed: they almost 
certainly would (following the bigger is better principle); & the 
palaeontonological Lystrosaurus Interlude (immediately following the 
Permian extinction; where a single therapsid called the Lystrosaurus 
which survived the extinction dominated the environment for about 10my) 
would be matched by a new Cockroach Interlude, as these enormous roaches 
essentially waited for better designs to supplant 'em.

This has a strange relevance to Europa, however. If life exists in the 
Europan ocean, it's likely to be living in a low energy environment where 
competition is unlikely to be widespread. Unlike most people, therefore, 
i don't rule out the possibility of really large life forms there; but 
would still expect them to be expect them to be extremely primitive....

All the best,

Robert Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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