In a message dated 1/12/2001 1:59:35 PM Alaskan Standard Time, 

>  I have also been loooking at what sort of training the astronauts have to 
> through in case they have to abort a mission. Between the jungle survival 
> courses, the desert survival courses, and the ocean survival courses, they 
> would have to combine the strengths of a test pilot with those of a Navy 
Various mandatory survival training courses are kind of obsolete in a time of 
global positioning finders.  Seems to me if you crash, and possibly survive, 
you'll land in the ocean, where all the jungle training in the world isn't 
going to work.  If you land in the ocean, you've got about 3 days before 
dehydration kills you.

Jungle training?  Desert training?  Give me a break.  You crash, you die.  If 
you somehow miraculously survive a high-G re-entry, you'll probably be 
found... they'll either find you by GPS, or by simply following the meteor 
trail your disintegrating spacecraft makes on re-entry.

So... tell me again that all that fancy training isn't something like Latin 
and Greek for Doctors and Lawyers... great for impressing the rubes.

-- JHB
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