A. Project Management
   Does anyone out there have project management software? I think we're at a 
point where we'll need some scheduling, like a PERT or GANTT chart. We're not 
designing the Polaris submarine or the Titan IV, but if we don't get some sort 
of scheduling we'll lose track of where we are and what needs to be done next. 
1. What is it? (Ex: Aluminum tube 3' long x 8" diameter)
2. Where do we get it?
3. Who gets it?
4. How much does it cost? (or, where does the $$ come from?)
5. How do we install it? (Ex. Battery; guidance system)
6. When do we need it?
And so on.
B. Money
   This is going to cost something. Joe Latrell has indicated he might be able 
to invest a few bucks, and maybe the rest of us could do the same. 
   I set up a bank account for a different purpose that has now been finished. 
I could re-name the account, or open a new one with Wells Fargo Bank just for 
this project. If 10 of us could put in $50, that would give us $500 to work 
with and no one would have to cough up much. If you can't do $50, then any 
amount (or more!) would work. If anyone buys anything for the project, tell me 
how much you spent and I'll send you a check drawn on our account. I can keep 
the books to insure proper accounting. Might be proper to have 2 signatures, 
but that's up to the group--that would slow reimbursement down some, but some 
might feel more secure knowing that I don't have sole access to the account. 
Let me know if this is OK.
C. Commercial Application
   One of the strongest arguments for the space program has always been the 
benefits to society via commercial applications of innovation. Duct tape is a 
good example, along with scratch resistent sun glasses and non-invasive heart 
monitoring. One suggestion has been that ice fishermen might like to have one 
of our probes to make getting thru the ice easier. With a business plan, we 
might even be able to get backing for a company to make and sell Icepick II.
Any ideas on this?
Please let me know ASAP about Items A and B.

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