----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 5:33 AM
Subject: Latest News from the Astrobiology Magazine

Martian Retrospective

As the rovers try to survive the dead of martian winter, what do readers want to know about their first nine-months on the red planet? Questions and answers range from how long the rovers may last to what it's like to live four months on martian time.

Mercury Mission Milestone

The Mercury mission, MESSENGER, has successfully put itself on course for an Earth flyby and eventual rendezvous with the innermost planet. The probe will provide the first close-up insight into the tiny world that is permanently heated and frozen depending on which side of globe faces the Sun.

Big Planet, Tiny Vehicles

What can the Mars rovers do after reaching Endurance Crater and the Columbia Hills. Principal investigator Steve Squyres talked with Astrobiology Magazine what's next: Can Opportunity drive five more kilometers to Victoria Crater, while being commanded by dedicated graduate students? He introduces two tiny vehicles to a big planet where the work is never done.

Apollo 12 Remembered

This last week marked the thirty-fifth anniversary of the precision landing for Apollo 12. The mission sought to retrieve a camera casing from the robotic Surveyor 3 which had survived three years on the surface. But did biology sneak into their equation? The debate is examined with fresh historical perspective.

Wednesday, November 24

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