----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 5:32 AM
Subject: Latest News from the Astrobiology Magazine

On Top of Titan's Mountain

When Cassini flew by Saturn's moon Titan on October 26, scientists got a small taste of the discoveries to come. Athena Coustenis of the Paris-Meudon Observatory discusses a potential landscape of mountains and lakes on this strange, smog-filled world.

Countdown to Controlled Collision

For the mid-January descent to Saturn's largest moon, Titan, scientists look forward to measuring the atmospheric chemistry and listening in as the strong winds toss the probe. They hope to see the surface for a few brief, but precious minutes. No one knows today what the surface will offer.

Ordering Genes

Less can be more, at least with regard to how genes organize themselves into an entire ecosystem. Two new studies reveal how genes maintain control and don't run wild in a single organism, and then how few genes it may take to predict new branches on the tree of life.

Proof of Water

The evidence supporting a watery past on Mars is summarized by the rover team in their recent synopsis of early Opportunity results in Science magazine. According to Mark Lemmon of Texas A&M University, proof of water begins in the clouds but mostly remains locked in the geology.

Wednesday, December 08

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