----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 5:32 AM
Subject: Latest News from the Astrobiology Magazine

Clockwork Orange Planet

As the MER rovers blow out the candle on their one-year anniversary, they continue to make new discoveries on the Red Planet. How long they'll keep running is an open question, but NASA has several programs in the works for an encore.

Titanic Rainmaker

As part of the Cassini Imaging team studying the atmosphere on Saturn, NASA's Anthony Del Genio explained in this part of his interview, how to make sense of a moon potentially making methane rain.

Moonlander: Let it Rain

Since the remarkable landing of the Huygens probe on the surface of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, the community of planetary scientists has wondered anew about the discovery prospects in our own solar system. As part of the Cassini Imaging team studying the atmosphere on Saturn, NASA's Anthony Del Genio explained to Astrobiology Magazine his interests in the giant ringed world and its strange moons. In this part of the interview, he explains what role liquid methane might be playing on Titan.

Lighting Up the Flammable Moon

Titan is a world where bits of muck continually fall out of the smoggy sky, blanketing the frozen surface like dark gooey snow. Squalls of methane rain periodically wash the surface clean, sweeping the organic gunk into rivers. Scientific interest is sparked by the frozen moon so rich in methane that it seems ready to catch fire.

Monday, January 24

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