What if most life in the universe evolves on worlds like Europa?
I've called this the Common Europa Hypothesis.

Gas giants appear to be abundant.  Water appears to be abundant.
The main energy source for biochemistry in the universe
might be tidal forces rather than stellar input. The main form of space
radiation protection might be thick layers of ice, not magnetic
fields and atmospheres.

Civilizations may become quite developed long before they
discover the existence of space per se.  They may rely on
wired or optical fiber communication or something like it, in
preference to radio communication, given how poorly radio
signals travel through water.  And when they finally penetrate
to the ice surfaces of their worlds, having long since inferred
the existence of a surface, and much empty space beyond it,
they may also have long since hypothesized the Killer Star, and
would avoid broadcast radio communications on the surface
to the extent possible - not hard, given that it would probably
be mainly a curiosity technology to them in the first place.
The only Killer Star scenario they might be worried
about would be some alien "defense" system that
seeks out and relativistically bombs all ice-covered ocean
worlds - many more candidate targets than would be revealed
by assuming Rare Earths out there, with possible threats
narrowed down by picking up radio wave broadcast activity.
A Rare Earth is far more vulnerable to total ecosystem
destruction by relativistic bomb impact.  A world like Europa is
protected by miles of ice.  It would take many more bombs,
and much larger bombs, a total shotgun approach.  A world
like Europa might also be more resistant to nanotech infections,
given the enormous energy requirements for penetrating the ice

Also, a world like Europa will have a vestigial
atmosphere at best, and will probably rotate synchronously
around its gas giant, so it might offer a better surface
for hosting SETI efforts than the surfaces of planets like
Earth.  Their "space elevator" might largely amount
to building a strong tube going to the surface.  And they
will, of course, look for life somewhat more like their
own, on worlds somewhat like their own.

I think it's not unreasonable to suppose that they may be
more likely to engage in their own Active SETI.  After
all, SETI presupposes Active SETI to a great degree.
And they'd be facing less Killer Star risk, and have less
reason to believe that the risk was significant in the
first place.

If worlds like Europa are common, quite a few systems
might have more than one.  If intelligent, spacefaring
life evolves on one such world, their first exploration
target is likely to be the others in the local planetary
neighborhood. With enough of a long-range view, they
might forgo "Europaforming" the others and set
up Active SETI on the other Europoids (maybe
preferring one orbiting another gas giant, if
there's another one orbiting their own), as bait for
anyone's Killer Star defense system.  If, after some
decent interval, say a millenium, the decoy world
still hasn't been relativistically bombed, they might
reasonably assume that nobody is going to do it,
and broadcast a signal to any neighbors saying
that the coast seems to be clear.  (Of course, that
signal has to be credible.  There's always a leap
of faith somewhere, isn't there?)

Finding out whether there's life on (in?) Europa, and
seeing how far it has developed, what the intrinsic
limitations might be, could tell us a lot about how to
conduct Active SETI safely.  So might a focus on trying to
find other likely Europas elsewhere, to see if they
are common.  First contact might be an expression
of disbelief - "You live on the OUTSIDE of your
planet, and breathe gases?  You're the first world
in 50 communicating so far to have intelligent life
much different from ours.  Only in science fiction ...."

-michael turner

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