
2010/1/21 Paul Boddie <p...@boddie.org.uk>:
> Hello,
> I tried to get onto IRC at work today to see if I could track down Zeth, but
> was defeated by the bizarre KSIRC program (or however you spell it),
> presumably for IRC traditionalists, and the Pidgin instant messenger software
> which wants a username and password to create an IRC "account". Hints and
> tips welcome!

I am an IRC novice: I stick to xchat, which seesm to work everywhere.

> Anyway, various EuroPython sites have been down for a while: the "new" Wiki
> isn't reachable (http://wiki.europython2010.eu/) but is linked to from the
> updated main site, the 2008 site (http://www.europython2008.eu/) isn't
> reachable any more.

My fault: I was rather ill over the holiday, with the result that I
didn't get round/forgot to renew europthon[2008|2009|2010].eu They
have been renewed now, but went into quarantine. I have asked the ISP
to get the out of quarantine (for the second time), an am told that
this should be done early this week.


This only applies to the 2008/2009/2010 domains, and europython.eu,
and wiki.europython.eu, should be OK.

. I'd also recommend upgrading MoinMoin in various places
> if we're running any 1.9.0 installations,

I spoke with Thomas Waldmann some weeks ago, and he recommended
staying on 1.8 for the time being: we're running on moin 1.8.5.

> and some more anti-spam measures on
> the older Wikis might be nice: deleting 250 drug-related spam attachments
> isn't fun.
> Can anyone help me help them with this?

Offers of help with the spam will be welcomed

Best wishes,

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