In a message of Thu, 16 Feb 2012 14:51:28 +0100, Giovanni Bajo writes:

>This would be in addition to a special reharsal program that we would
>like to attempt at EuroPython this year; we've done this at Python
>Italia before. The idea is:
>1) we ask first-time speakers to reharse their talks on Sunday afternoon
>(the day before EP begins).
>2) we invite veteran speakers to help reviewing reharsals. We can reward
>them with a free ticket.
>3) First-time speakers get to try their talks once, and get comments on
>it. They probably have a couple of days to fix them (we can specifically
>avoid scheduling those talks on Monday/Thursday, so that they have time
>to fix the talks).
>Any comments?

>Giovanni Bajo   ::
>Develer S.r.l.  ::

As you know Giovanni, I am +MAXINT on this idea.  But I think we will get 
enough would-be reviewers we do not need to offer the free ticket.

Have I told you recently that you are doing a terrific job that makes me very
happy?  Probably not, I am, and we are going to have a *wonderful* europython.

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