funny you can have the big supply we have here in Canada

this ore came out of the tailings of the uranium mines here in Canada
this picture does not do it any justice but they truck the tailings to the port load on a boat and ship it to china

At 3/25/2013 11:11 AM, you wrote:
There are several good hits that come up if you use a search engine
using the key words  recycle Neodymium

I have read several newswires on recycling rare earths in the past.
Because of the lack of evdl reader interest, I do not post many of
these, but a search of the archive has a few:

It is feasible to recycle those rare earth metals and it will be done
because of the limited supply on earth, but it will not be cheap on a
small scale. Items with rare earth metals are not just EV components.
They are used in several products, including hard disc drives. These
items are being separated and stored, so that the recycling can be done
on a larger scale.

Toyota along with other Japanese Automakers have reduced their use of
rare earth metals in their hybrid, pih and EV components, while
recycling as much as they can, and are still working on eliminating the
death grip China has on the supply (there is contention between China
and Japan over many things, and long held bad-memories from the past).

China is the real threat, not the way-too-obvious negative/anti-plugin
media outlets. Some pro-plugin media outlets are now putting out
newswires attacking how wrong/hidden-agenda those anti-plugin media
outlets are (plugin wars if you will).


On Mon, Mar 25, 2013, at 07:18 AM, Lawrence Rhodes wrote:
> Can anyone tell me if recycling the rare earth metals in electric
> vehicles (like
> Neodymium) is a hazard or unfeasible?  Could anti EV forces use this
> against the
> use or manufacture of electric vehicles.  Lawrence Rhodes

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