On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 2:45 PM, EVDL Administrator <evp...@drmm.net> wrote:

> In any case, many manufacturers are looking for alternatives.  This is
> probably a good thing.  I love efficiency.  However, I also recognize that
> it's better to have a slightly less efficient EV that lots of folks can
> afford, than a more efficient one that doesn't sell because it's too
> expensive.

I frequently hear/read about PM motors being more efficient, but then
someone points out that a simple efficiency number is not the whole story.
 They have very high peak efficiency, but at low power it drops off - to a
lower figure than a wound field motor at low power.  Since most EV motors
operate at a power level well below peak, your overall efficiency might be
higher than a PM motor.  Add the fact that wound field motors can make
monster low end torque, and I'm not too worried about the high cost of rare
earths for motors.

LeSled is for sale!
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