I also had to take my EV to the referee. He looked under the hood and
scratched his head, made a phone-call to someone and essentially said he
had no idea what he was looking at but it sure doesn't have an engine. Then
he typed something into a computer and that was it.

On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Lawrence Rhodes via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> As many of you know I have been involved in EV's since the late 90's
> repairing, reviving or building EV's of many sorts.  It turns out that my
> Aspire EV was registered by some numskull at the DMV as a hybrid.
>  Currently I'm in Class AE Fuel Q.  I guess the clerk got frustrated. Back
> 13 years  I watched as 3 or 4 clerks and the manager were trying to figure
> out how to register my conversion.  http://www.evalbum.com/418  One of
> them decided Hybrid was a good alternative as the computer allowed this
> choice and I wouldn't recieve smog notices.  It didn't allow Electric as
> fuel.  I never recieved smog notices but curiously I couldn't get the white
> carpool stickers but it didn't matter as my range was down after
> rearranging the battery pack and couldn't go far enough to use it.  Jump 13
> years.  Yesterday the same thing happened when I tried to fix their
> mistake(because someone wanted to buy it and use it to get PG&E special
> electric rate.   Which is
>  not allowed anyway I found out so no sale) which is now my problem.
>  After spending hours there and  a tow charge I was told I had to take the
> car to the Referee at Bureau of Automotive Repair.  I called.....they don't
> seem to want to take it.  So I called Sacramento for advice.  I got a nice
> guy named Ken who said he would research it.  So for now my BEV is a Hybrid
> and nobody can do anything about it even though the local DMV office staff
> inspected it & agree it is a BEV.  The computer says everyone is wrong and
> it(based on the VIN) is a hybrid.  MAN!   Lawrence Rhodes
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