On 31 Aug 2014 at 8:06, Geoffrey Pullinger via EV wrote:

>  If you wrap a wire around the cable and hook it up to the fence
> charger I'm guessing any would be copper thieves will be somewhat
> discouraged by a large jolt.  

"Ma, I wanna plug the car in.  Can I pleeeeezzze?"

"Sure, Bobby.  I'll get the presents for Grandma out while y ..."

"Zzzap! Zzzot!"

Kids aside, I can imagine a thief - from jail - suing the charger's company 
for his injuries from such a scheme.

A few possible solutions for this problem :

One is for all chargers (EVSEs) to have the cables locked behind a solid 
steel plate door that only opens with a smart card.  Downside is the 
additional complexity and inconvenience.

Another is for the charging cable to go with the vehicle, aand hope the bad 
guys don't start breaking into EVs to steal their charging cables.  Again 
the driver has to bear additional hassles because of the bad guys.

Finally, this may be a case where having a couple of prominently placed CCTV 
security cameras might discourage crooks.  Here the disadvantages are  
additional installation expense, and (IMO) a potential loss of drivers' 

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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