On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 9:41 PM, Lawrence Rhodes via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

>   There has been a lot of speculation about the C1. Now it's performing
> and evolving.  My confidence in the vehicle just went up 1000%.

​Sorry, my confidence is still at zero.  That's not a slalom, that's a few
slow, mild turns strung together​.  At speed, one runs into another and
there are some complex transitions.  In some cases you have multiple,
overlapping transitions.

Getting their control system to handle one thing at a time is not much of a
challenge, and I'm disappointed it's taken them this long to get only this
far.  Complexity goes up exponentially when you start trying to do more
than one thing at once.  I doubt even NASA could achieve a proper result at
a commercially reasonable cost.

​I predict at best they will release a vehicle that is serviceable only if
you drive like a grandma.  When things get sticky and you rely on it to get
you out, it will come up very short.  That's going to get them talked
about.​  I fear there will be LITigation jokes.

My advice is to hold onto your money.

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