'Chart shows Leaf EV, BMW i3 EVs and Ampera pih are close to traditional
diesel ice in forecast residual value'

Why the used car market holds the key to EV adoption
By Rupert Pontin  02/04/2015

Graph of alternatively fuelled vehicle breakdown 2010-2014

Graph of forecast residual values of electric and non-electric vehicles

It is always interesting to review the progress of new initiatives and it is
fair to say that for the first time in 130 years the method of propulsion of
passenger vehicles is embracing a fundamental change. We are in the process
of moving away from the internal combustion engine to electric motors, the
majority of which are powered by batteries charged by electricity.

This change is driven in part by environmental concerns. In Europe, agreed
legislation dictates that the UK will cut CO2 emissions of the average car
to 95g/km by 2020. This is a significant reduction, given that the figure
was 128.3g/km in 2013, leaving just seven years to hit the target. The
emissions reduction over the previous seven years was 22.2%, which means we
need to move the new technology into the retail and business markets as soon
as possible if we stand a chance of hitting the further 26% reduction
required by 2020.

On a positive note, the registration volumes for EV and hybrid technology
are on the up. The chart below shows a breakdown of the registrations of
alternative fuel vehicles over the past five years. Not only did 2014 show
significant growth overall, but electric vehicles showed the greatest
percentage increase.

However, total registrations in this sector still only account for 2.1% of
the total market and it is here that the real scale of the task becomes
clear. Recording a 58% year-on-year increase in registrations is all very
well, but maintaining this level of momentum is critical to achieve the
target set.

To do this means a greater acceptance among customers of the technology
available, and the UK motor trade is not as adept at getting this message
across as it needs to be. From enquiry to sale, the process of putting a
retail or business customer into an electric vehicle is fraught with
misunderstanding and there is a real danger that the customer will find
themselves with a product that does not suit their transportation needs,
which causes more harm than good.

Alternatively fuelled vehicle breakdown
[image] Graph of alternatively fuelled vehicle breakdown 2010-2014      

Qualifying the customer properly and selling them the right vehicle for
their circumstances is even more important in the  business sector of the
market, which is key to the real success of EV technology and its
market-wide acceptance. Not only must vehicles be fit for purpose, but the
future value of each must be accurately and efficiently identified and
produced, to allow seamless entry to the used car market at the end of term.
It must also make financial sense when compared with a traditionally powered
vehicle.This market has only recently begun to find itself becoming
competitive and the forecast residual values of key models in this sector of
the market have only recently become steady as shown in the table, right.

Forecast residual values
[image] Graph of forecast residual values of electric and non-electric

The chart shows the Nissan Leaf, Vauxhall Ampera and BMW i3 are close to
traditional diesel combustion engines in forecast residual value terms and
this is where the usable range is only about 80 to 120 miles. It is also
evident that where Tesla offers a realistic 220-mile range, the residual
value forecast is in line with traditional diesels.While range and therefore
usability is the primary reason for this, the reliability of the technology
and specifically the longevity of the batteries is a close second to making
this type of propulsion relevant and competitive.

What is clear is that electric propulsion is finally moving to a position of
being a truly viable option and the biggest hurdles may well have been
overcome. Ensuring that business and retail buyers understand the relevance
of the models on offer is the next hurdle that will bring these vehicles to
the mainstream market and there are definite signs of commitment from
manufacturers and certain franchised dealers to do this.
[© 2015 Bauer Consumer Media]

Electric cars making their way to used market
[20150406]  Berman says the first electric vehicles were leased to give
customers a chance to try out the environmentally-friendly cars. Now, those
leases are expiring ...

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