Paul, I'm pretty sure that while in the garage the EV would be plugged in, thus drawing line current, not battery.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Paul Dove via EV" <>
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>
Sent: 31-May-15 12:24:39 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Success!

Not to mention the fact that using a Battery heat it. Charging also causes it to heat so using the battery while charging would beat the battery even more.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 31, 2015, at 2:13 PM, Peri Hartman via EV <> wrote:

 My first comment: did they have a great EV grin !

On the A/C. I think running the A/C while in the garage would make things worse. Don't forget that the waste heat from the A/C dumps right back into the garage, so only the interior of the car would be cooler. Whether that means a net cooling or heating of the battery I don't know, but I can't imagine it being helpful overall.

Does the Leaf model they bought have battery thermal control? If so, keeping that running would help, right, even though you would dump a bit more heat into the garage.

Third, even a window-mount A/C unit could have an effect on keeping the garage cooler.

Other things that could help the garage temperature. Insulate the space. Install fan ventilation - at least that will prevent it from getting hotter inside than out. Put a highly reflective coating on the roof to reflect more sunlight. Sigh, all of these things cost money...


 ------ Original Message ------
 From: "Ben Goren via EV" <>
 To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>
 Sent: 31-May-15 12:03:27 PM
 Subject: [EVDL] Success!

So, Dad just drove Mom home in a 2013 Leaf. ~12k miles, California vehicle; couldn't tell it from new. There was one bar missing from the charge gauge; the numeric meter read, "98%."

 Everybody's excited. It should be well and truly perfect for them.

One thought I had that I'm hoping somebody might be able to shed some insight into...they'll be keeping the car in the garage, but the garage isn't climate controlled. It probably won't quite get to today's forecasted high of 108°F inside the garage, but it'll definitely get rather toasty.

What are the chances that the car will let you run the air conditioning while it's plugged in with nobody inside? Would that actually do anything to make the batteries happier?

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