I still own and maintain a 1989 Toyota PU. W/o AC, w/o Fuel injections.
One complication is an electric choke, and a 2 barrel that is encumbered
with some emission reduction duties.  One nice thing is an electronic
distributor.  I can carry a useful puich of tools and to a lot of work on

But best of all, I never have to work on it - because is is very well made,
using modern manufacturing techniques, good design and QC methodologies.
Perhaps a truck like this is a better comparison to make the point.

However, it gets low 20's mpg, and I am pretty certain is sub-par on
emissions (though legal).  "The man" will probably make me park it someday.

I am happy to have whatever advancement in transportation technology if it
makes people less necessary for driving and decision making, and if it lets
our race foul the nest less egregiously.


On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 9:45 AM, Electric Blue auto convertions via EV <
ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> Things get taken too literal here, what I was trying to say, in more
> simple ways.... The "T" was a very simple car, easily fixed, Yes the
> steering was bad, no heat, hardly no brakes,
> But all the cars of them days were about the same. How many millions of
> lines of code are in a Tesla s software., The "T" had none, hell radios
> were new back then, Yes they polluted
> but no one ever saw a tree hugger back then . If they did it was a member
> of a family no one ever talked about .
> even today, simple always wins over complexity , which is the mother of
> all screw ups. Sooner or later that high tech car will have a high tech
> bill that goes with any type of service .
> The statement was to show what is in the automotive world today Vs
> yesteryear , right now I conciser my self 90% hi tech gadget free, no cell
> phone, smart phone, tablet, MP3 player
> I dought I would ever waste the money on a new car, seeing I work on this
> crap every day, the newest car/truck I own is a 83, then a 76, Now ask your
> self, after looking out the window of your new HiTech car,,,, "does this
> thing need more software than the Lunar lander" ???
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To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
Thomas A. Edison

A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.
*Warren Buffet*

Michael E. Ross
(919) 585-6737 Land
(919) 576-0824 <https://www.google.com/voice/b/0?pli=1#phones> Google Phone
(919) 631-1451 Cell

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